Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brown Sugar Blueberry Pancakes with Blueberry Syrup

To round out a week of the blues, (this week I also included blue crabs and a blue dress), all in the name of the good old red white and blue, I give you blueberry pancakes! However, these are not your typical blueberry pancakes. These are brown sugar blueberry pancakes with blueberry maple syrup. Just saying the name makes me want to whip up a batch. The recipes, here and here, were surprisingly simple and made for a wonderful dinner. That's right, dinner. What can I say... I had a craving!


  1. These look incredible! Pancakes are a breakfast favorite of mine :)

  2. These look out-of-control tasty! I love pancakes, especially when blueberries are involved!
    xo Josie


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